Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011..the summary

so, tahun 2011 sudah labuh tirai..now came year 2012. resolutions?? still i have none..well, bukan tiada azam tahun baru. cuma sy rasa kalau mo berazam, x payah tunggu tahun baru la. bila2 pun boleh, yang penting, azam tu mesti terlaksana. jgn setakat angan2 mo berazam, tp langsung x buat apa2 n azam tu tinggal kosong begitu ja. so for me, x penting la azam tahun baru..yg penting, klu mo sesuatu tu, x kira masa...just do it anytime, anywhere. . for me, tahun baru lebih penting ialah tahun Islam, tahun Hijrah..so kedatangan tahun 2012 kiraan Masihi ni, sy x excited sgt mo sambut berbanding sambutan tahun hijrah. heh. but i do hope for new thing to come or happen in the new year la...hope for better in everything sesuai la dgn kedatanagan tahun yg baru.

anyway, cikgu biasa buat reflection n summary..so here's summary of what happen in my life n reflection of my 2011.
January - nothing much happen. 2011 started slowly for me..was 8 month pregnant with my son.

February - full-term pregnant. i'm in the alert state..i can pop up anytime.therefore i took maternity leave a week earlier. but it didnt happen until the last day of the month.

March - went to hospital on 28 February n son decided to came out the next day. thank god it is not tahun lompat, or else, Nabil bebeh will be born on 29th..kesian, harijadi empat tahun sekali. hehe syukur, we (me+ hubby Sayangku) a proud parent of Muhammad Nabil at 7.30am, 1st March 2011. 15days later, our first wedding anniversary :)
my closest cousin, Len, also get engaged at our home.

April - still in confinement..can't do much.

May - still in maternity leave. i took 3 month leave.. dapat peluk cium baby puas2. :) on school semester break, went to KK for cuti2. Nabil bebeh first time travelling too far from home, yet he's done great. that was our very first family vacation :)

June - maternity leave's over :( went working back. met new PK 1, whom i don't really like. cold hearted, stubborn n too arrogant bossy boss surely isn't anybody's favorite kan. sorry boss, i don't like you.

July - working mom + full breastfeed baby = lots of hardwork n busy! i quickly get into my pre-pregnant weight n slimmer in no time without any pills or workout! hehe

August - too many things happen yet too many to be remember! i've been too busy with everything to remember anything.phew! oh.it was bulan puasa Ramadhan n i'm not able to fast. breastfeeding makes u really hungry, u know. fasting really took tolls on me, i went totally flat before lunch hour! plus, the milk production went low drastically. huhu..so there goes my fasting. :(

September - my favorite month coz it's my birth month! on the 1st day of course..n also hari raya puasa. 1st raya as mommy :) we dressed up in grey+blue theme n Nabil bebeh look soooo adorably cute! opkos la mesti puji anak sendiri haha

October - hubby's birthday on 1st day. kami anak beranak lahir setiap 1hb ni. hehe ordered Angry Bird cupcake for him :) my parent went haji..thus left me n hubby became the prime guardian of the house. huhu..jadi the real 'orang dewasa' for a month..jaga rumah, jaga harta2, jaga adik2. also busy with Len's wedding preparation.

November - towards the end of the years n school holiday. yippie! parent came back from Mekah on 16th.. Len getting married in the house on 20th.

December - went to KK (as usual)..shopping2 n jalan2 ja, release tension. heh.

so that's all. the highlight of the year was the born of Nabil bebeh which changed everything. me n Sayang became parent, our parent became grandparent, the siblings became uncles n aunties..more toys in the home, messier n noisier..hehe. syukur alhamdulillah atas semua kurniaan Allah sepanjang tahun ini, n also apa yg sy x dapat tu, syukur jugalah coz ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian. overall, year 2011 had been very nice to me...hopefully year 2012 will be the same or even much nicer ya ;)

ps : byk pictures but malas mo upload...lalala

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