Saturday, November 5, 2011

50 randomly

This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS… type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you hear these 50 words. Don’t think and don’t go back and change. Doesn’t matter how random just type it! Repost it for all of your (bored) friends.

1. Beer: root
2. Food: ikan asam pedas
3. Relationship: married Sayangku
4. Crush: Sayangku time baru kenal
5. Power Rangers: pink
6. Life:semoga panjang
7. The President: what so ever.
8. Yummy: chocolate
9. Car: baru tukar cat :)
10. Movie: yg ku tengok ptg td best.
11. Halloween: movie seram best2
12. Sex: with love
13. Religion: Islam
14. Hate: bitch
15. Fear: Allah
16. Marriage: full of love n happiness
17. Blondes: bimbo..? heh
18. Slippers: Ipanema ku suka
19. Shoes:baru beli sport shoe last week
20. Asians: beauty!
21. Pass time: is history
22. One night stand: big no.
23. My cell Phone: Nokia nipis ramai org suka
24. Smoke: hate. stopla ba kamu wahai suami n adik abangku. huh.
25. Fantasy: macam2 ada
26. College: UPM
27. High school Life: best!
28. Pajamas:comfyyy
29. Star: World.
30. Center: Point..?
31. Alcohol: baru ja siang td my 8 years old sis tny apa tu alkohol..heh
32. The word LOVE: small short word with big meaning.
33. Friends: A Lot!
34. Money: gimme gimme more..gimme more (mcm lagu Britney)
35. Heartache: bikin panas ba
36. Time: is running out
37. Divorce: nauzubillah min zalikh.
38. Dogs: i dislike.
39. Undies: senjata rahsia pikat suami. wahahaha
40. Parents: naik haji. n i miss'em so much now...
41. Babies: are cute. n Nabil bebeh d cutest, cleverest son of mine.. i love so muchhhh!!
42. Ex: it? haha..pi main jauh2. 
43. Song: im currently listening to the recitation of surah Ruqyah...not a song k.
44. Color: ful.
45. Wedding: 16 mac 2010
46. Pizza: hut!
47. Hangout: Home
48. Rest: badly need!
49. Goal:so many
50. Inspiration: none

0 bird singing:

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