Thursday, November 3, 2011

EXit from my life

to whom it may concern... who i know will never read this
or even if you do, maybe it's too late or you'll never get this..
but never mind, because those who mind don't matter,and those who matter don't mind.

finally it came to your realization that;
i do important for you.
i do means something for you.
i do linger in your mind, sometimes. or maybe..all the time.
i do give some..or maybe so many, impact in your life.
finally, it hits you at the back of your mind.

but that doesn't matter anymore now. coz you're not important to me anymore.

Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

Don't Love You ~ My Chemical Romance

entri ini berfikir dua kali mo publish ka tidak..coz risau klu hubby fikir lain2 pula nanti. tapi then, i know dia seorang yg very understanding n sgt baik. no secrets between us, we tell each other bout ourselves. so kisah dulu2 pasal me or dia, kami masing2 tahu. including this, yg sy tulis entri ini.
entri ni just mo cakap saja pada org bkenaan bahawa, tak payahla ko kenang pasal saya n benda lepas lagi. suda juga ko dilupakan n semua salah ko suda kena dimaafkan. so tak payah fikir apa2 lg yg bkaitan hal dulu2. fullstop.

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