Sunday, April 22, 2012

such a childish punya perangai n perbuatan..move on n grow up la.

i've been trying to write an entry but word fails me. i've lost my blogging mojo down the drain. i miss my old blog at friendster so very much. haaaish.
the past few days feels like a very long vacation that i enjoy very much. spent weekend at my in laws home..went seeing Regata Lepa-Lepa carnival. the population of Sempornas went wild. streets filled with people it almost look like a big riot. scary i must say, but also thrilling. heh. i cant choose proper word or use proper grammar now, i just go with whatever words that crosses my mind. there's so much to tell yet so little passion. no passion, all will just went damn boring. like this entry. heh.

nnt la aku sambung lg. need to find passion itu. playing kiss n hug with hubby might help. ahah.ok la bai.

ps : the title didnt suit d entry. well, i was trying to write d real entry but then my mind went elsewhere. that explain why.

0 bird singing:

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